Three Ways to Embrace the Amazing Journey Ahead

Bill Diamond received the 2024 Mikula Award, an annual award given to a faculty member in recognition of teaching excellence. At Convocation, he drew from years of boarding-school experience on how make each moment count.
Diamond, chair of the History Department, is a boarding-school educator through and through. He has served as a teacher, coach, advisor and the house head of Densmore Hall for 13 years.
“I’m living my best life, still that eager student at heart 28 years after my parents dropped me off at boarding school,” Diamond shared in a Convocation speech with students, faculty, and staff gathered in Flickinger Auditorium in early September.
“Our lives are deeply enriched by the connections we make with one another. Each of us carries a unique story, filled with experiences of struggle and triumph,” said Diamond. “It's these stories that shape us and make our community stronger.”
Diamond asked three things of the KUA community, “three ways to embrace the amazing journey ahead.”
First: Cherish the unique perspectives and inherent goodness in each other. This means being as attentive in listening as you are in speaking. Be thoughtful, eager to learn, and open to changing your mind when new ideas come your way.
Second: Let’s make empathy our practice. Remember that everyone’s story is unique and deserving of respect.
Third: Let’s make every day at Kimball Union burst with excitement! Be fully present, do the things that make you shake your head in uncertain moments, as long as it's a healthy choice - embrace the voice in your head that says, what did I get myself into? Meet the people that you thought you’d never speak to. Show up and show out!