GJVS Loses 0-4 to Strong SPS Squad

The GJVS team played Saint Paul's School under cloudy skies on Grenier Field. A cold front brought drizzle and chilly temps to the pitch. Despite this, KUA's offense came out ready to play, led by strikers Caroline Sheehan and Julia Chedel. The midfield began moving the ball upfield, with excellent passes by Lily Hines and Misora Hashiramoto, and with active midfield counterattacks by Margot Frost and Lyndsey Patten. The Big Red defense was robust though, and difficult to breakthrough. Soon KUA was on the defensive, where the SPS offense was kept at bay by Fiona Spence, Ally Woo-Sam, and Maddy Bridge. The pressure from SPS continued to build, with an early goal in the first half. Indigo Kopp was incredible in net, saving shot after shot from an increasingly aggressive Big Red offense. Key substitutions came in the form of Eva Joslin, Libby Kotei-Fearon, and Athena Werner. The Big Red offense was relentless though and kept working the ball up the wings to pepper the goal with shots. Match MVP goes to goalie Indigo Kopp who made countless saves to give the Wildcats a fighting chance. Ultimately, the Wildcats lost 0-4 in full time. 