JV2 Boys Basketball Win

Patrick Mahoney
The JV2 Boys Basketball Team won on the road at Brewster by score of 36-19.
The Green and the Red squads took the long bus ride to play Brewster on Saturday afternoon. During the first half, the team played stellar defense but struggled to run the offense in their first game. In the second half, the team stepped up the defensive pressure, holding Brewster to 6 points in the second half. The offense turned around two with Adam Shaver at point guard. Everyone played and contributed, but here are a few things that stood out to me:
  • Jake Parodneck diving for a loose ball and getting a jump ball call
  • Anderson Coe setting a down screen that led to a basket
  • Daniel Maldonado getting a bucket off of a curl screen as part of the offense
We still have a lot to work on, but the team showed a lot of growth during the game. I look forward to out game against New Hampton on Saturday.